Health & safety

Welcome To Q8 Kuwait Petroleum Europoort B.V.

Health and safety.

Our values

We seek for our people to go home in no worse state of health and wellbeing than they arrived that day, as a result of their work and being in the workplace.

Protection of people and the environment, with a goal of zero harm, is among our core values. We continually invest in our people, plant and infrastructure to maintain high personal safety and process safety standards. As our business success rests on the safe and responsible storage and handling of our customer’s products, our health and safety values go hand in hand with our business strategy. For us, good health and safety is good business.

Our credentials

The bulk liquid storage industry is subject to an increasingly complex regime of regulation. It is a key part of our business to understand and stay up to date with the regulatory framework and industry developments. Q8 Kuwait Petroleum Europoort B.V. employs a team of highly qualified, experienced safety, health and environmental professionals to help meet the needs of our customers and our operations.

Seveso III

As an operator of Seveso III Upper Tier sites, Q8 Kuwait Petroleum Europoort B.V. has implemented the new additional Seveso III requirements. This updated Directive on the control of major accident hazards required:

  • Implementation of the Globally Harmonised System (GHS)/CLP Directive for classification of substances
  • Improved provision of information to the public
  • Review of emergency plans
  • Update of Safety Reports
Our Professional Skill’s

Professional Skill of Q8 Kuwait Petroleum Europoort B.V..

Storage & Distribution
Specialized Logistics
International Commerce
Customs Brokerage

Competence management

Q8 Kuwait Petroleum Europoort B.V. also has a comprehensive competence management system. Safety critical tasks are identified and managed with key personnel having suitable training, development and supervisory systems in place to develop and retain competence in all areas.

Proactive approach

Good safety doesn’t happen by accident! At Q8 Kuwait Petroleum Europoort B.V., we take a proactive approach to maintaining and improving our safety performance. Our Process Safety Improvement Plan contains our country-specific safety initiatives. Areas of responsibility for each aspect of the plan are defined to ensure effective leadership and involvement from people throughout the company.


in revenues in March, 2022


barrels of crude oil & products stored daily




terminals worldwide